Juice Fasting
Shortly before midnight on June 12, 1994, ex-football player O.J. Simpson crept into the yard of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and murdered her and her male companion, Ron Goldman. Here is the crime scene photo of Nicole, a black bar covering her almost completely severed neck:
Of course, that was not the verdict handed down by the predominantly black jury in the sensational, dramatic trial that engulfed the nation over a year later. Make no mistake - this was a trial about racism as much as it was about murder. Notice the reactions of people as the verdict is read: white people - shock. Black people - jubilation.
Also notice Matt Lauer, in his youthful pre-"Today" job as a local anchorman.
Now, O.J. Simpson has a book coming out entitled "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened," which is being touted as Simpson's "confession" of the crimes. And so the media circus begins again...
Some of you might be too young to know much - if anything - about this case. I watched it unfold live on national television on Friday June 17, 1994. My friends and I were watching a Cardinals game when suddenly the news broke in to show a white Ford Bronco driving down a highway in Los Angeles, followed by a battalion of police cars. Inside the Bronco was driver Al Cowlings, a long-time OJ friend, and OJ himself, holed up in the back with a gun, $8,000 in cash, and a disguise - surely the tactics of an innocent man. At this point, the murders were primarily a local case in Los Angeles, and not much had been made in the media about O.J.'s possible involvement, so we were taken by surprise when this happened. From that moment on, we were hooked.
The "Trial of the Century" ensued, and anyone not familiar with the particulars of this trial should spend some time examining it. I recommend www.crimelibrary.com for extensive information about this and other notorious and sensational crimes throughout history.
The trial stands as a masterwork of chess-like structure and deception. Two long-standing rules were upheld in this trial:(1) Never overestimate the intelligence of the jury. The trial hinged on painstaking DNA testing and hair samples, all of which pointed directly to O.J. Simpson. Lead prosecuting attorney Marcia Clark, tense and mannish with her tightly-curled hair, tried gamely to tiptoe the jury through this heavy evidence. In the end, it only confused the jury, whose eyes glazed over faster than a Krispy Kreme donut.
(2) When in doubt, focus on hate. Lead defense attorney Johnnie Cochran, faced with almost insurmountable evidence that the smirking black man sitting next to him was a multiple murderer, played the only card guaranteed to sway a jury comprised mostly of black people in Los Angeles: RACE. And that card WORKED. Unfortunately all of those dumb niggers - oh yes, they are because THEY were the ones that felt it was about race in the first place - not only let O.J Simpson go free of these crimes, but they also supported him afterwards.
And wouldn't ya know? All of those dumb niggers are WRONG.
Now O.J. is thumbing his nose not only at the families of the Browns and the Goldmans, who lost their loved ones, but also at all of the dumb niggers who supported him through the trial and afterwards. Now he publishes a book, guaranteed to earn him millions of unearned dollars, in which he confesses to brutally murdering those two beautiful, flawed young people.
Johnnie Cochran, orchestrator of this racial fiasco back in 1994/1995, is thankfully dead. However, many of the idiotic jurors from that trial still walk the earth, hopefully with their heads hanging lower than Nicole's the night of her murder. They should all be strung up from the nearest tree, like in dem good ol' days.
If anyone in the Brown or Goldman families had any balls whatsoever, they would have put that murderer Simpson in the cold, hard ground by now, sparing us from this shocking book. Perhaps now that he has 'fessed up to the crime, someone will execute him, Juice-style.
Good riddance!
Wow I didnt realise it was 10 years ago!
Of course this was also big news in the UK as well I remember vaugely some bits about it. The live wait for the verdict and OJ with his hand in that glove.
Your right he is laughing in all our faces.
In retrospect we all know he did it.
Hi! Thanks for the visit.Wish you the best.
The past is the past and there's nothing you or I can do about it. I was five and I didn't even know about it. Black people had indeed been historically oppressed by white people, and despite doing it at the absolute most horrible time, they stuck it to the man. They may well have known he did it but with so many of their kind being locked up by the LAPD and Rodney King memories still fresh in their minds, they didn't want another brotha in jail. Even if he did it. Their minds heard what they wanted to hear, and blocked out what they didn't want to. Simple psychology.
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"Webpirate", have you heard of something called the past tense? It's a tense in the English language which is used to talk about things that have happened in the past. it usually involves words such as "was", "did", and "had". When I said "Black people had indeed been historically oppressed by white people" I was referring to the past to describe what was probably running through the jury's heads. And it was true, blacks had been historically oppressed by whites. In fact, it is probably still true. Black people usually get longer prison sentences for the same crime than white people. Black people are usually held in custody without being charged longer than white people. And we've all seen that not just blacks, but minorities as a whole are generally treated rougher by the police (specifically the LAPD) than white people. These are all facts, backed up by videos on the Internet as well as simply watching the news and paying attention.
To blame St. Louis' being the world's most dangerous city on its 81% black population is outlandish, offensive, and downright racist. Shame on you for even thinking such a thing you asshole. St. Louis is a dangerous city because dangerous people live there. The fact that they're black is just a coincidence, there are plenty of black people out there that don't do drugs or shoot people, myself included. I'll bet you and your little Klan buddies were unaware of that, but it's true.
Black on black crime is 79%, black on white crime is 73%.
Have you taken a class in Psychology? Statistics? I thought not. Had you taken one of these classes, or just paid attention, numbers never lie, but the people who report them sure as hell do. Any statistic can be easily manipulated to say whatever the reporter of said statistics wants. The creator of these statistics could have omitted certain crimes, misfiled certain people's races, or simply had too small of a population (number of crimes) investigated in order for the stats to be accurate. It's also interesting that your statistics, which I have yet to see any sources for, leaves out the types of crimes committed. This so-called 79% black-on-black crime, were the crimes something minor like Public Indecency or something serious like 1st Degree Murder? Things like that rather than bland numbers would correctly identify whether or not St. Louis is dangerous, not some stiff in a suit typing shit up at Time magazine.
Of course the Man holds us all down. What do you take me for, a fucking idiot? I warn you asshole, I'm no fucking idiot. I know this "war" as you choose to but it is a war of class, but it is also a war of race. That is what you do not understand. Yes, all poor people are neglected by the Man, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina being a prime example. Poor blacks and poor whites were neglected by their government. But you can not deny that the New Orleans cleanup would still be going on had the predominantly black Lower 9th Ward been devastated. If that happened in predominantly white Florida, all but a few hundred people would have their houses rebuilt or almost finished by now. Need proof? In 1992 when Hurricane Andrew hit the Floridian Peninsula, the Dade County emergency management director went on TV and pleaded for help from the federal government. Aid from DC came flowing into the state almost immediately. The people that could not afford to get their houses repaired either due to their insurance company going bankrupt or not being covered, moved to new developments in nearby Broward County, where the houses were just convienently enough priced so the Hurricane Victims could afford the housing. Not so with Katrina. Aid came at a disastrously slow rate even after the Louisiana and Mississippi governors came on television, almost no houses were covered by the Insurance companies despite the fact that these people had coverage for Hurricane damage, and the only housing being built was far too expensive for anyone who had their houses destroyed to buy or even rent. The only people who could afford the new housing developments had enough money to get their old house repaired. And when aid finally came in from FEMA, they split families up all over the country, with some instances where a couple family members were in Houston, 1 or 2 in Kansas City, and some in Atlanta. There were even scattered reports of mothers being separated from their children by the government. Although social class was definitely an issue here, to deny that it was also a race issue is a bitch move at best. Of course, you are a racist Klan asshole so what better can I expect of you?
Of course St. Louis is the most dangerous city in America - I live there.
I just had a conversation with a black friend about all of this race shit - in fact, I will probably be writing a blog about it very soon - but some things he expressed bothered me.
I have this general feeling that black people are now encased inside of a psychological prison. Frankly, in America at this time, I truly believe that anyone willing to work hard and pursue worthwhile goals can achieve some sort of success - not riches, just a comfortable life. In general black people, particularly black men, CHOOSE to be lazy, CHOOSE to live off the government, CHOOSE to be irresponsible sexually, CHOOSE to waste time with drug dealing/using, CHOOSE to be violent. In general they seem to CHOOSE to blame others for their lack rather than take the responsibility to better that situation.
Sure, the white government doesn't help the problems of black people,but I don't think it hinders them either. The hindrance lies within black people themselves.
blaming one race for anything is absurd.
A good old-fashioned flame war. I love it!
Webpirate, Woozie: you're both being stupid.
To say that black people are committing crimes, JUST BY VIRTUE OF BEING BLACK, is stupid and racist.
But to say that members of a COMMUNITY are committing crimes, BY VIRTUE OF BEING IN THAT COMMUNITY, is partly true, and has historical basis.
There's a subtle (not) difference between RACE and COMMUNITY. Regard, for example, my race -- ie, Indians. When in India, Indians fuck everything up.
We take bribes, commit white collar crimes, rape anything with a pussy, and work extremely hard to earn illicit money while making no effort at legit jobs. We've managed to run one of the richest countries, natural resource wise, into the ground. We elect criminals to positions of power, simply because they belong to the same subcaste as us. We spend time and energy on non-issues, we hold tightly to traditions which waste time and money, we argue incessantly about morals and ethics while taking bribes on the side.
But take Indians out of India, and what happens? You get some of the smartest, most hard working, most dedicated, ambitious and innovative people on earth. Silicon valley is filled with Indian CEOs and programmers. Half the motel business in the USA is controlled by Indians. Indian professors are filling American university chairs. I could go on, but you get the idea.
When the same culture is transferred to parts of India, we get similar results: Bangalore and Noida are examples. These two cities have drastically different cultures from the rest of India, and have among the lowest bribery rates, and highest growth rates, of all India.
What I'm trying to say is that certain areas / cultures / ways of life tend to encourage certain types of behavior, and it just so happens that some of these areas / cultures have one predominant race or ethnicity.
What is to blame, then, are the hoods and ghettos and "tough parts of town", and since black people were historically the poorer, depressed class, they populated these areas and hence were given to crime. It could have been Mexicans or Haitians or Cubans or whatever, and it just so happens that the slavery business operated from Africa. Hell, it could have been Scandinavians.
What's needed is help, from the Man.
Bring on the personal attacks.
I think that the jurors focused on OJ & his noteriety & not the victims or the heinous crimes against them. Instead of hinging on the trace dna it hinged on the theatrics of it all... 'If it don't fit, ya' gotta acquit.'
Everyone felt like they were getting theri 15 minutes of fame.
The reason Blacks usually recieve larger prison sentences is because they usually have prior arrests or convictions.
I would have to agree with Webpirate about St.Louis being violent because it is predominatly Black.
I live in the Bay Area , California. Oakland , East Palo Alto , and San Francisco are the most violent places out here and they are all predominatly Black with the exception of San Fran but then again the most violent places in Frisco are Bay View and Hunters Piont (Black).
I'm not looking for a war-of-words with you.Your a smart kid , I'm just an old PeckerWOOD , but can you explain why just about every state you look at the murder rate in the Black community is higher than any other race? Not just White.
Stevenapolis : Please don't bring me into this argument.
I don't judge people by race, I judge people by how they treat me.
I am also a great believer in the "treat people how you would like to be treated" outlook on life.
There are good and bad in all races.
Alright, WebPirate I'll take the bait for some "intelligent discourse". For obvious reasons, I've refrained from jumping in on this conversation but it's time. My problem has to do with your terminology. Saying shit like "Blacks can only blame themselves" or "I can blame blacks, because there is nothing else to blame." is as low class and ignorant as Steven talking shit about your wife. You have not personally went into various poor neighborhoods in your area to find out the reasons yourself so you don't know firsthand why crime is higher. You have only gleaned information from the media (biased) and taken figures from websites (unreliable) from the comfort of your suburban home in St. Louis and come to the conclusion that "Blacks are lazy and are the cause of crime in my city". Chances are you can't name the last time you ate a meal with a Black person, much less had them in your home as a guest so I KNOW that you don't have a clue about the topic at hand. By your logic, I could blame all White people for poverty considering all the White executives who have gone to prison in recent years for stealing pensions, and savings of their customers and employees (and those are the ones who got CAUGHT) but I'm a bit more intelligent than that. Using that SAME logic you use, crimes committed by Black people would be statistically similar in ALL economic brackets- it's not!
Crime rates for middle and upper class Black people is ridiculously low. Take an educated guess as to why that is.
As median income goes up for a particular area, crime stats goes down- and that's across socio-economic lines. Any correlation?
Did you look at the figures for the amount of education those 81% had? Doubt it. As the total amount of education a person has increases, the likelihood of them having a criminal record decreases. Any correlation?
East St. Louis is one of the POOREST cities in the country. Any correlation between a lack of jobs and crime?
Before making uninformed statements about Black people, consider a few things:
a) you've NEVER been to a Black Panther rally so how can you say WHAT goes on during one?
b) People commit crimes as individuals
c)Poor uneducated individuals often become criminals because they have few other options for survival
d) History, racism, politics, drug use, economics and education are ALL factors contributing to the fucked up situation poor Black people are in (yes webpirate- there are different groups of Black people)
e) the term "nigger" is used to describe an ignorant person, so you too would be classified as one based on the unintelligent tone and word usage of YOUR posts as well.
f) rather than using completely generalized statistics to prove a point, dig a little deeper and understand the CAUSES of those statistics before making your conclusions (read d over again in case you missed it). Your logic regarding this matter is about as flawed as OJ's jury. They weren't thinking about the whole picture and neither are you.
Yeah, makin fun of your wife was low but I'm just havin some fun.
(We're on the internet damnit chill out and let virtual freedom ring!) I'm in highschool too Wooz with a full year of psychology and I still feel like I don't know what makes people tick. And statistics in general are all flawed. But Paz makes a great point. We need to get to know the people before we can classify anyone. And frankly, none of us truly know the people well enough or understand their situations well enough to make too many judgements.
Alert--a comment that's actually on topic-FOX cancelled OJ's book and interview.
Good to see that Rupert Murdoch has a bit of sense afterall.
Pity he didnt think beforehand.
But it wouldnt surprise me in the least if someone else somewhere picks it up.
Webpirate: I will say this - you have too much HATRED about this topic. I think you and I agree on some intrinsic points about black people (see earlier posts).
However, you seem to let these troubling statistics and basic information about the current state of black America ( a generalization, to be sure - there are many, many successful and peaceful black people) cause you to HATE. I, on the other hand, want to better understand the underlying problems and work to communicate and do what I can to help.
There is no reason to HATE someone either for the color of their skin, or even the mistakes they make in life. I guarantee that black people, if placed in the same situation as white people in terms of education or finances, will not choose rape and murder instead. There are REASONS why they are lashing out in destructive and self-destructive ways. And I promise you that those reasons have nothing to do with the color of their skin.
Use your intelligence to better your surroundings, not tear it down.
Ok, guys, I've commented on original post & I guess now I'll throw my 2 cents out on all the comments. I beleive crime and violence follows socio-economic lines.
I beleive everyone here has their own perspectives based upon their own experiences. I currently live in the bible belt south & am married to a man who four+ years ago (when he moved here) said this was the most rascist place he had ever been ( not just against blacks, but against whites, mexicans...everyone) And now, I find him making his own slurs about various races & classes based upon his experiences over the past 4 years. In fact, he has discovered a whole classification of people that he never knew really existed before... the in-breeds.
Back to origianl post, I beleive OJ is guilty as the day is long in the summertime. And even if he isn't guilty, he is one selfish prick.
Make love, not war.
What sort of image is conjured up in your mind when I write these words? Black, white, Asian, man, woman? Who cares? And I told you that I was a white english girl with dyed hair and too many earrings, would that change how you thought of me?
Webpirate - are you actually black yourself? You seem to have no problem with black people - working with, going out with etc; and yet in other comments you have blamed black people for crime, murder and all kinds of other things. Two faced little worm. That's the worst kind of racism there is.
Your race isn't killing each other at an alarming rate? Are you a cat? Or a fish? Or an antelope? That's what humans do. Give a human a sharp stick or a meat cleaver and tell them they can kill someone if they want and what do you suppose he/she is going to do with it? Kill the nearest person who looks at them funny. Humans like killing each other. As far as I recall (I wasn't exactly there) there weren't all that many black people who fought in the first and second world wars. It wasn't black people who started those wars.
Has anyone considered the possibility that in St Louis and other 'black' areas, that the people there are doing what thier grandfathers and great grandfathers did, because that's all they know, and that's all they've ever had the oppourtunity to know. Was there as much crime among the black community in the 1920's? Why was that? Because the white people were oppressing them, and nto allowing them to have any rights and that was the only way they knew how to fight back. The only way they could fight back.
I really hope that didn't sound too much like drivel. Don't think I'm taking this from the black point of view ("going nigger" i think webpirate called it). It might sound as if I am but that is only because white people have never been oppressed or treated like animals. White people have always apparently been 'the divine race'. The way I see it, humans as a species are not divine, never mind one particular branch of that species.
Awesome comment, Ghostrose!! I agree.
Well, I have to put my skinny little chicken neck in this.
This is exactly what 'the man' wants. Get everyone all pissed off about OJ and fighting amonst each other over their race and who is more American.
As long as we are each other's throats they can realign the government. If we blame each other we can't blame them. We need to blame ourselves. We have power, as a group.
Each person has some truth to what they say. All have substance and truth in their blogs, the problem is the fault lies in ourselves.
We are not powerless-two examples are the feared groups you discuss, Black Panther and KKK. Both groups started out as vigilante groups protecting a segment of community that law enforcement would not protect. Granted they have mutated with the years and hold less power, but they are shining examples of what like minded people can accomplish.
All we have to do is look at other countries with 'diverse' communities and one can see the same type of in-fighting even ethnic cleansing of peoples of the same race. Governments thrive and perpetuate this type of dissent. It gives them more power.
We live in a society of no ownership. We blame our shortcomings on others rather than our own ennui. Turn all that energy toward your representatives and local governments. Help your community however you can. In the end we are all in this together.
"Blacks need to solve their own social issues"
First off- Black social issues are YOUR fucking social issues TOO idiot. How do I know? You wouldn't be pitching a bitch about it for the last three days if they weren't! They affect you, me, your wife, Sammyray, Woozie, Mickey Mouse, Pedro and God himself (I know, you're atheist...) They affect EVERYONE and like Mama Hen said, we're in it together, whether you like it or not.
Secondly, no one is advocating limitations on the way you express yourself. Where'd that accusation come from? Not ONCE did I suggest that you change the words you use and I never would. I was simply pointing out that you continue to use the term "Blacks" and blame "Blacks" for the crime rates in East St. Louis and spout all the same demographic information about that city. Point taken. My ONLY suggestion was that you take a harder look at the data you're presenting and understand WHO is causing all the crime in your area-the poor, the uneducated, the drug induced. Blame THOSE motherfuckers, not "Blacks". You said it yourself when you first chimed in and started this whole discussion- "it's a class war, not a race war....1% controlling the rest"- economic, not racial.
Thirdly, aside from your contradictions, you keep wondering why people are calling you a "racist" when you speak what you claim to be "the truth". What you continue to miss is that your TER-MIN-O-LO-GY is leading the rest of us to this conclusion, nothing else. Don't get upset at us because YOU'RE continuing to use racist terms in your attepts to prove your points.
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