Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Light Of Reason

HIV does not cause AIDS. Watch this:

Go to Alive and Well for more information.


At 2:35 PM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

Sammy-love, your link is currently not working. Thank you for sharing the video. 10+ years ago, I became certified in HIV/Aids education & I have to say I agree with Einstein...never stop asking questions. My best friend had tested HIV positive. Later tests, showed her as being +-+, just as the female speaker. The antibodies that they test for are the same antibodies that show up when one has the chicken pox, herpes, hepatitus & so on. I found the tidbit on AIDS related deaths to be sad & tragic...pharmaceutical companies do seem to pimp their meds (recently I read where most prescriptions come from patients requests because they saw an ad) & it seems like ervy day they engineer a new disease.
Sorry so long-winded...I'm sure it's because I have some untreated disorder.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

OH, BTW my girlfriend DOES NOT have AIDS despite that silly test from 15 years ago! She, like the speaker, has a healthy son and a healthy life... med-free. (No need for the meds, she is not sick...she just tested positive for anti-bodies)

At 2:53 PM, Blogger sammyray said...

@ Skinny: It works, but it just takes an outrageous amount of time to load.

This AIDS thing really pisses me off. So many people went on poisonous drugs, thinking that they were going to die, and then subsequently died of the drugs.

Like you said, a variety of conditions causes a false positive reaction. Also, though, HIV is a RETROvirus, which means it does not kill other cells. Strangely enough, scientists are unable to explain how a non-cytotoxic retrovirus can cause a pandemic ... but that huge gap in logic hasn't stopped the madness for twenty-five years!!

At 8:13 AM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

Mornin' Sammy~
I still couldn't get the 'alive & well' link to work :( It still says URL not found....for me.
I'll have to google 'non-cytotoxic retrovirus' to find out what this means.
Drugs doing more harm than good is nothing new. I guess that's why they call it 'practising' medicine.

The effects of medications for diseases such as AIDs & Cancer is why we often hear that someone has died 'due to complications from XX disease.'

Last night on TV, my hubby was watching a Geraldo program where he was discussing the legalities of marijuanna being used to address pain. It amazes me that, in this day & age, we cannot allow our loved ones to smoke dope to eaze pain...whether the FDA has approved it or not, they have got to know it does not cause major organ failure, as many of the drugs that ARE approved do.

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:41 AM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

Webster's defines a Retrovirus as: a type of RNA virus that invades the
body's cells, where it produces more such RNA viruses: includes the AIDS virus and many cancer-causing viruses

Non-cyctotoxic, as you said is a cell which does not kill other cells.

Apparently though a retrovirus can replicate inself within the system & eventually it can convert the host cell into a tumor cell, causing unregulated cell division.

I found this info on

So, if I understand it properly it (in laymans terms) is a virus which does not take over cells, but generates new cells?
Would this then, make AIDS & cancer, very much the same disease but of differnt strains?

If so, this is very interesting because things such as chicken pox & herpes (which can lead to a false positive HIV test result) are the opposite in that they cause otherwise healthy cells to self-destruct. (or so, I have always been lead to beleive... I am not a doctor)

Sammy~sorry to babble so much ... all of these things strike home to me & I just wonder what is really going on.

About 15 years ago, I read an article about a doctor who was injecting herpes into cancer cells & those cells were self-destructing, ridding the host (a mouse) of cancer. However, the herpes did not stop when the cancer cells was continued to take over otherwise healthy cells.

Thought-provoking post Sammy!

At 11:50 AM, Blogger sammyray said...

@ Skinny: Here are a couple of links:

Both sites - but in particular - contain hard scientific evidence that HIV causes little or no destruction of cells, and is in fact, a latent and rather harmless retrovirus.

Disturbing enough is the fact that HIV has yet to be found un uncultured blood ... meaning that, when a person dies of so-called AIDS, HIV cannot be found in any quantitires in their bloodstream. Odd, isn't it?

At 7:42 PM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

Very interesting indeed. Thank you for the resourceful liks as well.
P&L to you Sammy...

At 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That just blows me away. I've grown used to attempts to snow me in the political realm, but we're talking about people's lives here. I'm not surprised that the whole thing started with the Reagan administration.

At 7:54 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Great video, and as one of the speakers pointed out, it is more than a little suspicious that AIDS, so often portrayed as being a problem among gays and/or drug users, rose to prominence at a time when the political climate was geared toward "traditional morality" and the "War on Drugs."

Great blog btw, mind if I link you?

At 6:37 AM, Blogger PIPER said...


This is scary stuff. The Pharmy companies scare me like the boogie man. It's too bad that when people are diagnosed with something, they just accept that they are going to die and give up.

Whether you like Lance Armstrong or not, you have to give it up to the guy for saying that he was going to fight brain, stomach and testicular cancer. And he won. A lesson for us all.

Thanks for keeping us informed. I had no idea.


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