Haunted Roads

However, I have met my match. Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" might be one of the few instant classics of the modern age. Absolutely haunting, desolate, and unflinching, this novel takes you to the other side of a world utterly destroyed in a nuclear cataclysm. The story is simple. A man and a boy travel down a road in order to find a southern sea before they die in a bombed-out nuclear wasteland. Read on:
"When it was light enough to use the binoculars he glassed the valley below. Everything paling away into the murk. The soft ash blowing in loose swirls over the blacktop. He studied what he could see. The segments of the road down there among the dead trees. Looking for anything of color. Any movement. A trace of standing smoke. He lowered the glasses and pulled down the cotton mask from his face and wiped his nose on the back of his wrist and then glassed the country again. Then he just sat there holding the binoculars and watching the ashen daylight congeal over the land. He knew only that the child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke."
This is searing prose poetry of the highest caliber. No movie could ever depict the emptiness and despair McCarthy conjurs in this novel. Go get it. RIGHT NOW.
Looks like we got ourselves a reader!
Not a fan of fiction. Love reading, just not fiction. The books sounds interesting though.
Yeah, you're more of a non-fiction, just the facts kind of guy, Orhan.
But I'll tell ya what - if it was possible to write a future non-fiction book about the end of the world, this book is it. At a time when psychos like Kim Jong Il has nuclear weapons, the book cannot be any more relevant.
Ewww, you read books?
Seriously, read away before you turn into that waffle waitress in Bill Hick's stand-up routine.
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At a time when psychos like Kim Jong Il has nuclear weapons
An English Major made that glaring grammatical mistake?
LOL Well I am an English major, not Jesus...an error passes through occasionally, especially when it's late and I am typing quickly.
Thanks for the heads up ... it is corrected.
I'm similar to Orhan. I rarely read fiction, save for Orwell or Bukowski. Most novels don't catch my interest much. I'm too consumed with reading massive tomes about the Kennedy assassination, peak oil, the global financial system or CIA drug running, I suppose.
The theme of the book does sound intriguing, however. I'm a big fan of apocalyptic themes; for example, some of my favorite novels include King's "The Stand" and Bob McCammon's "Swan Song."
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