Saturday, September 02, 2006

Incredible Lie of the Modern Age

(The AIDS quilt - one square for every death)

As a race of living organisms, humans have great capacities for invention, creativity, and empathy. They have used all of these - well, perhaps not empathy so much - to build a vast empire of technological marvels and wondrous artistic achievements. Human civilization now stands as the dominant biological force in the known universe.

And they still can't seem to get their heads out of their asses.

Back in 1984, a scientist by the name of Gallo declared to the world that he had discovered a sexually-transmitted virus as the culprit behind a series of bizarre immune system failures in gay men and drug users. There were several things wrong with this announcement:
  • Gallo didn't follow standard scientific method and submit his study for peer review prior to making this announcement.

  • When Gallo's study was examined, it was uncovered that less than half of the subjects tested positive for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV. Fewer had any traces of the virus in their blood.

  • The day after the announcement stunned the world, Gallo conveniently filed a patent for an HIV test, which made him a very rich man in subsequent years. Coincidence?

On that day in 1984, Gallo effectively screamed "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater (which is against the law, by the way) , and everyone ran in panic, and have continued to do so for over 25 years. Lost amid the fear are many disturbing problems with the HIV = AIDS equation, such as:

  • To this day, not one scientist has isolated a living, non-cultured specimen of the virus. This means that in over 20 million AIDS deaths worldwide, none have the virus in their bloodstream at the time of death. NONE.

  • HIV is correctly labeled a RETROVIRUS, not a virus in the typical understanding of the term. One main feature of the retrovirus category is that THE VIRUS DOES NOT KILL CELLS. This makes HIV an impossible culprit behind a total immune system failure.

  • In the 25 years of a supposed "pandemic," AIDS remains the killer of only homosexuals and drug users. Over 90% of all cases of AIDS still occur in homosexuals and drug users.

  • African AIDS differs greatly from European AIDS, the symptoms of which resemble many of the illnesses previously killing Africans and due solely to poor sanitation, lack of medicine, poor hygiene, malnutrition, and malaria. HIV tests are not usually administered to African patients; if they show certain signs, they are classified as AIDS deaths without diagnosis.

  • HIV tests are mind-boggingly inaccurate. They test for a protein BELIEVED to be embedded in the outer hull of HIV ANTIBODIES, not the virus itself - a protein found in over 50 other viral and bacterial infective agents. If you have had malaria, scarlet fever, chicken pox, and certain types of colds and flus, you could test positive on that test.

  • AIDS medications carry poison warnings on their labels. Poison kills living creatures, such as humans, for example. AZT, a failed cancer drug which is STILL being prescribed by doctors for people testing HIV-positive, has a skull and crossbones on the label and the admonition that this product "should not be injested or put in direct contact with the skin." These medications destroy the immune system, causing death - effectively AIDS by prescription!

Much of this information has leaked out over the years, but it continues to be suppressed. Why, you ask? Because AIDS organizations and laboratories earn MILLIONS of dollars a year in government aid, and pharmaceutical companies make BILLIONS of dollars a year selling a 35 pill a day regimen to millions of "AIDS patients" every year. It costs them SIX CENTS to make a pill; they sell it in the United States for $4.00 each, and then they charitably "give it away" to the African government for $1.00 a pill.

And that, my friends, is CRIMINAL!

I had been working on a documentary about HIV, but in the face of what would obviously be an expensive project, I stopped. I want so badly to make something that will ease the fear I see in the eyes of people who suffer under this cloud of uncertainty.

Here is the second trailer for this documentary, which I call "Do No Harm." It is a title which refers to the Hippocratic Oath, to which all doctors must subscribe...a doctor must first DO NO HARM to his patient. It is something that, in this case, they have failed to do.
Do No Harm

Ryan White should still be alive. So should many others who went to their grave ashamed, embarrassed, and ostracized.

We are not as advanced as a civilization as we imagine. Not by a long shot.

go to for more information.


At 9:46 PM, Blogger Stevenapolis said...

Whos voice could that be? damnit ray i wish i was a technologically smart as you

At 7:57 PM, Blogger me and the other me said...

i have this same postcard. i used to work for AidUpstate, which is an organization dedicated towards helping prevent the spread of AIDS as well as helping those already stricken with it. Great post!


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